LifestyleHow to make the most of a split Christmas

How to make the most of a split Christmas

As many of you know John and myself are a blended family (John hates the word blended). John has his two boys from a previous relationship and I have my daughter from a previous relationship.


Christmas 2022 will be our third Christmas together and second in our home together. The plan for Christmas always has to be organised fairly early. The current arrangement with the boys is very fair, each parent gets Christmas eve and Christmas Morning on alternate years and change over is at 12pm. This gives both parents equal time with the boy’s, this year the date of Christmas has actually fallen within the normal child arrangement which just makes things so much easier.

I have always had Ida, well just always, as she has no contact with her dad so I have never had to deal with a split Christmas. Last year we had the boys Christmas afternoon, so it was the first time ever having to make Christmas dinner. Luckily I nailed it and everyone loved the little touches including menus with Christmas colouring on the back and personalised napkin rings. We spent Boxing Day with my parents and just generally enjoyed our time.


This year however we have the boys from the 22nd of December through to Christmas Day which I’m thrilled about because the run up to Christmas with kids is the most fun. I want to make the most of the time we have with them this year and make sure the kids are at the centre of everything we do. So here’s how you can make the most of your split Christmas.

  1. Plan a mini tradition; this can be as cheap or extravagant as you want. This could be as simple as making Christmas biscuits for Santa or hosting a big family gathering.

2. Go to a Christmas market, you could splash out and make your way to London or just go to your local one either way there will be a lot to entertain every type of child.

3. Christmas movie evening, this is probably my favourite. If its something you like you could all get into your Christmas PJ’s, make some Christmas hot chocolates and snuggle down on the sofa to watch your favourite Christmas movie.

4. Whether you love them or hate them, Christmas eve box’s are a great way to spread some early Christmas cheer and keep the kids entertained while you put your feet up.

5. The most obvious thing to do would be to visit Santa’s grotto, we recently did this when we went to Sundown Adventureland, which you can read about here.

6. Go to a Christmas pantomime. Last year Ida actually won tickets to a local pantomime, which was amazing and so much fun for the kids.

7. Visit a Christmas light trail. Over the last few years its become very popular for stately homes put on Christmas light shows so have a look to see what your local area has. We enjoy visiting Belton House and Wollaton Hall but there’s many more across the country.

8. Choose your Christmas tree from a farm. This is not something I have done since a child as quiet frankly I’m a perfectionist and if my tree isn’t completely even all the way round it drives me crazy, so I’m a fake tree lover. For those of you who love the scent of Christmas tree make a day of it finding your perfect tree.

9. Stage a Christmas Photo. We actually did this on NYE last year but definitely something I would love to do this year.

10. Write and send out a letter to Santa. Great way to spend a cold afternoon inside.

However you plan it, make the most of your time together as a family.

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