LifestyleWhere Do I Find Myself in Five Years Time?

Where Do I Find Myself in Five Years Time?

I’m really starting to find writing this blog very therapeutic and it enables me to put my thoughts down, and its great if it helps others do the same in the process.

When I was at school I had so my dreams and thoughts about where I would be in my 20s, 30s and 40s. It’s safe to say I’ve definitely not hit any targets I thought I would and my life has been a rollercoaster. I genuinely thought by the age of 25, that I would be married, bought a house, ready to start a family and generally have my shit together.

Throughout my 20s the goal post’s changed and continually moved. I never thought I would be a mother at 22, not only that a single mother. I never thought that I would want to be a teacher (I hated school), I never thought I would achieve a 2:1 in my education degree while also being a mother to a 1 year old and living independently. I’m continuously changing what I want to do from working in theatre to working in a school to potentially doing something else completely different in two years time.

I honestly hope that my 30’s bring me a more stable approach to life. I would say the biggest goal I have for my 30’s is to finally get on the property ladder, it’s always been a big goal of mine but living in rented accommodation, on a low wage just never made it possible. The older I got the less likely I thought I would be able to do it. My parents were on the property ladder in their early 20’s and a close friend if mine who only turned 40 last year, is now mortgage free. It made me feel completely inadequate thinking that it would never be me. It took meeting John and becoming a family unit to make me realise it is possible.

We have already started taking steps to finally making this dream a reality, we have set up Life time ISA accounts a government backed scheme to enable first time buyers on to the property market, it also helps people save for a pension. I have started being extremely strict with spending in certain areas, no more boozy nights out for me and we will be making the most of our holiday’s already planned for this year. As for the next few we will be staying local and making the most of the area we live. This means plenty of hiking in the hills and the odd camping trip, as they all loved the trip we had last year.

Another goal I am currently working towards is having a better work life balance, as most of the world knows teachers always end up taking work home. The onslaught of marking and preparing lessons never goes away, we stay up late answering emails and making sure that we have uploaded all the class work online. For me this is pretty much my life at the moment and even my holidays and weekends are never work free. Attempting to get that work life balance is baffling me completely, is there a teacher out there who only works at work.

I really hope that in 5 years I’m living my best life, I know it sounds cheesy but it’s the best way to describe it. I would like to still be a teacher but only if I can get my work life balance sorted. Fingers crossed I will have finally got myself on the property ladder. Everyone’s ‘best life’ is different so never compare your self to others; everyone wants different things in life. I have friends who have zero interest in having a family, friends who are living and travelling in a van and friends who have started their family younger than expected. So what ever you want from life set some goals and do your best to work towards them, trust the process and enjoy life.

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